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Toate traducerile - JoshuaFoster

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Engleză Attention! Attac International is not a formal...

Attac International is not a formal organization, but a network.

Attac International has several international key figures such as Susan George, but not its own office. Attac International communicates by means of mailing lists or telephone, participates in the large meetings of social movements (e.g. World Social Forum or European Social forum) and organizes international Attac conferences.

Contact partners for the international Attac activities, however, are the national Attac groups. Please get in contact with them directly.
this is a website text

<edit> "mailinglists" with "mailing lists"</edit>

Traduceri completate
Franceză Attention! Attac International n'est pas à proprement parler
Spaniolă ¡Atención! Attac Internacional no es una ...
Limba sursă
Portugheză braziliană Ação de Impugnação de Mandato Eletivo
A Ação de Impugnação de Mandato Eletivo, ação judicial eleitoral cível de conhecimento com finalidade desconstitutiva é importante instrumento de defesa da democracia.
Literatura jurídica. O inglês é o dos EUA.

Traduceri completate
Engleză Action contesting an elective office
Spaniolă La Acción de Impugnación de Mandato ...
Germană Die Klage